Growth can mean many things

I listened to Jen Carrington Simple and Spacious Business podcast. She talked about growth. How the majority of individuals define growth in business as more money. We earned more or less this year than last. Sometimes our self-worth is based on our earning potential.

We have all heard it. I have earned six figures this year. My profits have gone up X percentage. They must have a good business and know what they are talking about if earning that much. We measure our business growth and worth on profits. That is what growth is. Isn’t it?

Jen Carrington says no. That growth can be much more. For her growth in her business wasn’t doubling her income. For her growth was working less. Creating a business around her life. Not life around her business. Setting expectations for earnings, as we need to live, but also expectations on living.

Growth can be working fewer hours. Yes, you read that right. What about creating a business model where we are not hussling non-stop, but creating a model where spaciousness was the goal. To know what you need to earn to have the life you want and creating your business around that.

So we might not reach that six figure goal, but that isn’t the only goal. What about fewer hours working and more hours living. Not burning out trying to keep up with what industry norms are telling us we need to do. Not measuring growth just in money. That is only one factor.

Space and time to live the life we want. To have time to explore, maybe travel, or explore other creative endeavours. Not make hussling and burnout a badge of business. I don’t want to hear what you earn or how many hours you work. Working 60+ hours a week for your business isn’t what I want to sign up for.

It was exciting to listen to a creative business owner show a different way to do business. That creating a spacious and simple business can be just as important and show growth as much as income. Growth comes in many forms and I think we have to start realizing that and acknowledging more money is not the only aim in life and business.

1 thought on “Growth can mean many things


    To know what you need to earn to have the life you want and creating your business around that.Space and time to live the life we want.

    Those two lines resonate with me to the nth degree as that is what I decided to do this year and I’ve never felt more free or in control ….


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